In the blasted heart of occupied Aqiria, the mercenaries of Eaglestar International literally write the laws, committing heinous atrocities with no repercussions. But today, the loopholes are closing -- around their necks! Who will pay the final price when the skies explode with the arrival of the world's only eight foot tall, hundred-gun-equipped, shoulder-rocket-mounted, titanium-vibranium-alloy-armored, kill-number-counting, one-man-army for truth, justice, and good old-fashioned payback? And what does last issue's mind-blowing ending mean for Jim Rhodes, the shattered man inside this shocking new War Machine?
Parnell and Bethany get visual on Glenda. She's been beaten and is imprisoned. War Machine arrives at the facility and fights off the defenses. He takes control of missiles shot and him and sends them back. Once he sees there are live soldiers on the ground, Rhodey has no choice but to intercept the missiles. The soldiers find him with his legs blown off. War Machine is still in the game. Modifying parts of a tank, War Machine is mobile once again.
Inside, War Machine finds where Glenda is being held. Some of the soldiers are former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and want to help. He has Parnell track the men that ran and who allowed Glenda to go without medical treatment while she was in pain. When Glenda hears this, she tells him he can't kill them. She wants them prosecuted and the entire corporation taken down. Rhodey tells her that they're already planning on attacking again.
At the Avengers Tower, Norman sets Ares on War Machine. this is just another version of ironman