Quadern d'historietes grapat de 24 pàgines interiors en color més cobertes en la seva versió original en anglès. Sèrie de 9 números publicada per Marvel Comics en 2004.
1602 poses an alternate history to Marvel's Earth-616. Familiar heroes and villains, from X-Men to Nick Fury to Doctor Doom, come into existence in the era of Queen Elizabeth. The story follows Sir Nicholas Fury, the students from Carlos Javier's Select College for the Sons of Gentlefolk, Rojhaz the American Indian and others, as they attempt to decipher the riddle of strange and deadly weather patterns and foil the machinations of Count Otto Von Doom. Eventually, the main characters discover that Earth-616 is coming apart in a para-temporal event caused by the untimely arrival of Steve Rogers, commonly known as Captain America, of Earth-460 having been sent more than 400 years back through time. They foil Von Doom's schemes and rescue the Four of the Fantastick, then head to America where they finally seal the rift by sending Captain America back through, and return Earth-616 to its proper timeline. This reality has been named Earth-311.