This volume of Teen Titans spun out of the shattering events of Graduation Day, an event which featured the death of both Donna Troy and Lilith and saw the end of both Young Justice and the Titans. Scribed by Geoff Johns, this incarnation of the Teen Titans began as a training initiative on the behalves of Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy and featured the main cast of Young Justice. The team does battle with a returned Jericho, Deathstroke, the new Ravager, and the new Brother Blood, all while picking up new members, such as Raven and Speedy (Mia Dearden). A popular story arc during the first portion of this series was the Titans of Tomorrow arc. This arc featured the current team being flung into the future to find themselves totalitarian rulers of a dystopia society. The team remained very solid during the first 33 issues leading up to Infinite Crisis and One Year Later.