• USA FAKER # 03

    MIKE CAREY - JOCK DC COMICS EAN: 76194125068700311 Otros productos del mismo autor
    Cuaderno de historietas grapado de 24 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas en su versión original en inglés. In the numbing cold of a Minnesota winter, Jessie Kidby and her freshman friends kick off their second semester with a wild party. But in the aftermath of the big blow-out, things start ...
    Ancho: 170 mm Largo: 260 mm Peso: 250 gr
    2,00 €

    • ISBN : 121609
    • Encuadernación : COMIC BOOK
    • Fecha de edición : 18/03/2015
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autores : MIKE CAREY - JOCK
    • Nº de páginas : 24
    Cuaderno de historietas grapado de 24 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas en su versión original en inglés.

    In the numbing cold of a Minnesota winter, Jessie Kidby and her freshman friends kick off their second semester with a wild party. But in the aftermath of the big blow-out, things start to go horribly wrong for all of them. Jessie is troubled by nasty memories she's been suppressing for years, while her best friend Nick Philo has become an un-person: Nobody outside their tight-knit little clique can remember seeing him before, and his records have been erased from the college's computers. At first, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it becomes increasingly obvious that one of them is not what he appears to be. Chock full of ruthless characters with hidden agendas, FAKER takes place during freshman year in college; the ultimate time of reinvention, where, if you're up for it, you can lie, cheat and fake your way through almost anything.

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