GRANT MORRISON - J. G. JONES DC COMICS COMIC IMPORTACION EAN: 76194126774600211 Otros productos del mismo autor
    Cuaderno de historietas grapado de 24 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas en su versión original en inglés. Witness the historic start of the final chapter in the Crisis trilogy that could only spring from the mind of Grant Morrison — Final Crisis, featuring stunning art by J.G. Jones (52 Cove...
    Ancho: 170 mm Largo: 260 mm Peso: 250 gr
    3,00 €

    • ISBN : 122118
    • Encuadernación : COMIC BOOK
    • Fecha de edición : 29/06/2015
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autores : GRANT MORRISON - J. G. JONES
    • Nº de páginas : 24
    Cuaderno de historietas grapado de 24 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas en su versión original en inglés.

    Witness the historic start of the final chapter in the Crisis trilogy that could only spring from the mind of Grant Morrison — Final Crisis, featuring stunning art by J.G. Jones (52 Covers)! Worlds will live and heroes will die in this epic tale spanning the beginning and end of the DC Universe! The entire Multiverse is threatened as the mysterious Libra assembles an army of the DCU's most terrifying super villains. But what is the ultimate plan, and who will live to find out?

    The issue begins in a prehistoric time with metron showing a teenager of that time fire. The teenager then enteres a battle sight then sets the whole place on fire. Back to the present where Inspecter Dan Turpin investigates the death of Orion. Fastfowarding to John Stewarts workplace with the weather out of control the issue then goes to Turpin and Renee Montoya conversing about the dark side club. When Hal Jordan arrives and converses with John Stewart about the deth of orion while far in space the Guardians of the Universe dispatch Alpha Lanterns to the scene.

    The issue then goes to a junkyard where doctor light and mirror master subdue Empress, Mas, Menos and Sparx to take a chair to Libra. Fastfowarding to Libras headquarters where he converses with many of the villains then furfilling his promise to satisfy their hearts desire he kills Martian Manhunter by stabbing him through the chest simpily because Human Flame wanted him too. Turpin then goes to interrogate Boss Dark Side about the club but is then brought to his knees. The JLA is then seen conversing in the hall of juctice as the Alpha Lanterns secure the crime scene. While the moniters exile one of their own then goes back to a destroyed world where the teenager is told to use fire against the gods. Where the issue ends.

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