CHRISTINA WEIR - NUNZIO DEFILIPPIS DC COMICS EAN: 76194126539100111 Otros productos de la misma colección Otros productos del mismo autor
    Cuaderno de historietas grapado de 24 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas en su versión original en inglés. In WEEK 1: Nightwing/Boomerang, Batman's first vote is cast! The two Outsiders with just one thing in common — a troubled relationship to the Dark Knight — must reconcile their differenc...
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    • ISBN : 122177
    • Encuadernación : COMIC BOOK
    • Fecha de edición : 29/06/2015
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Nº de páginas : 24
    • Colección : USA NIGHTWING
    Cuaderno de historietas grapado de 24 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas en su versión original en inglés.

    In WEEK 1: Nightwing/Boomerang, Batman's first vote is cast! The two Outsiders with just one thing in common — a troubled relationship to the Dark Knight — must reconcile their differences to go up against Chemo

    S.T.A.R. Labs' Outlook space station. Last month- The S.T.A.R. Lab hooks up with a orbital Chemo, much to the confusion of the scientists on board.

    Now- Batman has taken command of the Outsiders and orders the team to pair off into groups he has selected and "audition" for a spot on his team. His first pairing is Nightwing and Owen Mercer. Batman informs Nightwing that the S.T.A.R. Labs researching Chemo has gone dark and wants Nightwing to check it out. Batman believes Owen's super-speed will come in handy while dealing with Chemo's radioactive abilities.

    During the flight to the lab, Owen tries to convince Nightwing that Batman does trust him because of what his father did, and can't look past that to see the good that Captain Boomerang has done. Nightwing will not argue with Owen, but keeps changing the subject.

    Aboard the Lab the pair quickly learn that everyone is dead and Chemo is still attached to the Lab in his restraints. They are then attacked by 6 smaller Chemo type creatures. Nightwing learns that these are fail experiments much like Chemo. Owen is able to jettison into space before they can kill Nightwing or himself.

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