GAIL SIMONE - NEIL GOOGE WILDSTORM EAN: 76194125555201211 Otros productos del mismo autor
    Written by Gail Simone; Art and Cover by Neil GoogeIt's a battle royal as the citizens of Tranquility take to the skies to battle the undead Astral Man! Can the heroes overcome the greatest threat ever to their city?From the incredible minds of Gail Simone (GEN13, BIRDS OF PREY) and Neil Googe (MAJE...
    Ancho: 170 mm Largo: 260 mm Peso: 250 gr
    2,00 € 1,90 € 5%

    • ISBN : 136313
    • Encuadernación : COMIC BOOK
    • Fecha de edición : 20/06/2016
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autores : GAIL SIMONE - NEIL GOOGE
    • Nº de páginas : 16
    Written by Gail Simone; Art and Cover by Neil Googe
    It's a battle royal as the citizens of Tranquility take to the skies to battle the undead Astral Man! Can the heroes overcome the greatest threat ever to their city?

    From the incredible minds of Gail Simone (GEN13, BIRDS OF PREY) and Neil Googe (MAJESTIC) comes a unique new series that will change the way you think about super-heroes and villains! Tranquility is like any other small town in America, except for one fundamental difference: It's the town where super-powered beings go in order to retire and raise families. From the Golden Age to the Modern Age, heroes and villains alike reside in Tranquility, and it creates a unique blend of personalities and conflicts that causes the local law enforcement nothing but headaches! As a camera crew is in town to film a news segment on this unique place, the town is turned upside down by a murder...and it becomes evident that everything isn't as quaint as it seems!

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